Thinking Beyond The Text
Penulis : Dr. Hj. Chairiawati, Dra., M.Si, Maya Amalia Oesman, S.Pd., M.Si., Annisa Rachmani, S.Si., M.Hum., Ummu Rosyidah, S.Pd., M.Pd. B.I., Yuristia Wira Cholifah, S.S., M.Hum., Dian Widyaputri. S.S., M.I.Kom
Jumlah Halaman : 100
Tinggi Buku : 23
ISBN : Sedang Proses
In line with the objective of Unisba that is to produce religious and qualified personality of human resources as the warriors, researchers and, innovators, it requires Islamic guidance in order to construct the Islamic English skill integrated in the English book. Besides, the uniqueness of the English Book composed by the Team provides the readers with the Islamic nuanses described in the Islamic texts. This English book is a compulsary book must be owned by Unisba students studying English, so that they will be able to critically think about some various topics and issues related to their majors and religious values.